Er werden 2731 resultaten gevonden voor deze zoekopdracht.

Attitudes towards reading amongst kindergarten and Grade 1 children.

Sande, L. van der, M. Dobber, J. E. van Schaik & R. van Steensel
In: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. | 31 | 3 | 2023 | 399-420

Development of the Reading Comprehension Strategies Questionnaire (RCSQ) for late elementary school students.

Bogaert, R, E. Merchie, Y. Rosseel & H. Van Keer
In: Frontiers in Psychology. | 13 | 2023 | 1016761

Teaching text structure in science education: What opportunities do textbooks offer?.

Kooiker-den Boer, H. S., T. J.M. Sanders & J. Evers-Vermeul
In: Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics. | 12 | 2023 | 1-38

A randomised proof-of-concept trial on the effectiveness of a game-based training of phoneme-grapheme correspondences in pre-readers.

Verwimp, C., P. Snellings, R. W. Wiers & J. Tijms
In: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. | 39 | 2023 | 1607–1619

Text structure instruction in Dutch primary education: Building bridges between research and practice.

Bogaerds-Hazenberg, S.
Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht | 2023 | 293

Differential effects and success stories of distance education in Covid 19 lockdowns on the development of reading comprehension in primary schools.

Segers. E., M. In ’t Zandt, J. Stoep, L. Daniels, J. Roelofs & J. Gubbels
In: Reading and Writing. | 36 | 2023 | 377–400

Structural priming and crosslinguistic influence in L2 comprehension of Dutch relative clauses and PP-attachments: Differences between German and English learners of Dutch.

Bosma, E., Aycicek, S., Mikawa, M., Muller, M., Visser, E. & Kootstra, G.
In: International Journal of Bilingualism. | 27 | 6 | 2023 | 908-924

Strategy focused instruction in literacy education and second language learning for adults (LESLLA) in the Netherlands.

Dalderop, K., Andringa, S. & Rispens, J.
In: Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics. | 12 | 2023 | 1-20

'Hoe zeg je “I love you” in jouw taal?’.
(Re-)productie van verschillen en diversiteit in het NT2-onderwijs

Rickert, M.
In: Internationale Neerlandistiek. | 61 | 2 | 2023 | 177-196

Linguistic dissimilarity increases age-related decline in adult language learning.

Schepens, J., Van Hout, R. & Van der Slik, F.
In: Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 45 | 2023 | 167-188